
松永 真哉 Shinya Matsunaga


Mr. Matsunaga, who had mainly produced tea ceramics in Mino, now produces ceramics in his hometown of Nankan, Kumamoto Prefecture, a historic ceramic production area based on the ceramic techniques he developed in Mino.

1964熊本県に生まれる Born in Kumamoto Prefecture
1989東京学芸大学教育学部卒業 Bachelor of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University
1988愛知県立窯業高等技術専門校修了後、岐阜県土岐市に築窯 After completing Aichi Prefectural College of Ceramics, built a kiln in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture.
2010熊本に帰郷し、南関町で素月窯を築窯 Returned to Kumamoto and built the Sougetsu Kiln in Nanseki Town.
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