川合 優

川合優 Masaru Kawai


Masaru Kawai is a woodwork artist based in Mino, Gifu. After graduated from the department of Architecture at Kyoto Seika University, he studied woodwork in Hida and Kyoto, and started to working independently in 2007. In 2012, he moved hisatelier from Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto to his hometown, Mino. His produced a large range of works, from small items to furniture. He loves tree and lives in forest and thinking about the future of forests in Japan. In order to attract people‘sattention to local wood resources, he decided to use conifer wood to make things. His works are with an unpainted finish to highline its beauty of wood and nature.


1979岐阜県生まれ Born in Gifu
1997京都精華大学芸術学部建築専攻 Graduated from the department of Architecture of the faculty of Arts at Kyoto Seika University
2002飛騨にて木工修行 Studied woodworking in Hida, Gifu
2004京都にて椅子張り修行 Studied making chairs in Kyoto
2007独立 Started to working independently
2012故郷・美濃に工房を移転 Moved his atelier to his hometown, Mino
2013.2015.2017.2019.2021 京都やまほんにて個展開催

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