細川 護光

細川護光 Morimitsu Hosokawa

第79代総理大臣 細川護煕氏の元に生まれ、幼い頃から薫陶を受けて育った細川護光。伊賀丸柱の土楽窯にて福森雅武氏に師事し、その後 神奈川県湯河原にある不東庵を経て、熊本にて開窯。茶道具や酒器、日常使いの器などを中心に、楽焼、唐津、高麗、信楽など幅広い焼きものを手掛ける。どの作品も静けさの中に気品漂う佇まいで、多くの陶芸愛好家、料理人に支持される。

Morimitsu Hosokawa was born as the son of Morihiro Hosokawa, the 79th Prime Minister of Japan, and has been strongly influenced by his father. He firstly studied under Masatake Fukumori, the owner of Doraku Kiln in Marubashira, Iga, and then make pottery in Yugawara, and in the end he opened his own kiln in Kumamoto. His works, including tea set, drinking vessels and tableware, are produced in various of type such as Rakuyaki, Karatsu, korai, Shigaraki. All his works are look elegant and always in high demand among professional chef and ceramic enthusiasts.


1972熊本生まれ Born in Kumamoto Prefecture
2006三重・土楽窯、湯河原・不東庵を経て、熊本にて開窯 Studied at the Doraku Kiln in Iga. Made pottery in Yugawara, and in the end, opened his own kiln in Kumamoto
2009ギャラリーやまほんにて「岸野寛 辻村唯 細川護光 展」開催 Group exhibition with Shiro Tsujimura and Morimitsu Hosokawa at gallery yamahon
他展覧会多数 Held many exhibitions
2009连同辻村唯和细川护光在gallery yamahon举办联合展 多次参展
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