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¾®À¡ÀµÍº¡¡Masao Kozumi




In the corner of a large workshop, innumerable glass spheres that look like soap bubbles are piled up. It is pieces with cracks and other defects that happen during the blowing, items that did not reach the completion. ¡ÈMold-blowing¡É is a technique of blowing molten glass placed on the end of the blowpipe, then inflated into a carved mold. Delicate lines and textures that cannot be done with ¡Èblown glass¡É become possible.
When the dish is pressed firmly to the bottom of the mold and the glass is blown open, the part protruding from the mold bulges in a spherical shape, the part entered into the mold becomes a dish and the remaining part should normally returned to the crucible as a material to become a new product. But it seems that Masao Kozumi keep those parts in a corner of the workshop. I am sure that he will look at the unfinished glass pieces and dream about it. His works have a dignified shape combined with quiet simplicity. This quiet simplicity tugged at my heartstrings.

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1979·§Ëܸ©À¸¤Þ¤ì¡¡¡¡Born in Kumamoto
2001ÉÙ»³¥¬¥é¥¹Â¤·Á¸¦µæ½ê¤ò´¶È¡¡¡¡Guraduated from the Institute of glass in Toyama
2005ÉÙ»³¸©Ä«ÆüÄ®¤Ë¤ÆÀ©ºî¡¡¡¡Started making glass works in Toyama
2015´ôÉ츩¤Ë°Ü½»¤·¡¢À©ºî¡¡¡¡Moved to his studio in Gifu

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