岸野 寛

岸野寛 Kan Kishino

京都出身の岸野寛は高校を卒業後、三重県・伊賀に七代続く伊賀焼の窯元 土楽窯にて福森雅武氏のもとで10年間の修業時代を過ごす。その後、2004年に同市丸柱に寛白窯(かんぱくがま)を築窯。 百貨店を中心に全国で多数個展を開催。日常使いの器や酒器、茶碗、などを中心に、焼〆、白釉、志野、井戸、白磁等、多種多様な焼きものを手掛け、その使いやすさと渋みのある佇まいはプロの料理人からも高い評価を得ている。古陶磁、中でも古信楽への造詣が深く、室町時代の窯を研究し再現した穴窯では信楽大壺など大作品も制作している。

Kan Kishino, born in Kyoto and had been studied under Masatake Fukumori, the seventh generation of Doraku Kiln, for ten years since he graduated from high school. In 2004, he set up a kiln called Kanpakugama in Marubashira. He holds exhibition mainly in the department stores in Japan. His works, including tableware, drinking vessels, tea bowls, are produced with various of technologies such as Yakishime, White glaze, Shino ware, Ido ware, Hakuji. They‘re also high demand from professional chef for the usability and the simple appearance. Besides, he has a deep knowledge of antique ceramic, especially the Shigaraki ware, and rebuilt a Muromachi period hole kiln. In this kiln, he produces large works, for example the Shigaraki Jar.


1975京都市精華町生まれ Born in Seika town, Kyoto
1994京都市立銅駝美術工芸高校陶芸科修了 Finished ceramic course at Kyoto City Dohda Senior High School of Art
伊賀 土楽窯 福森雅武氏に師事 Studied under Masatake Fukumori at Doraku
2004伊賀市丸柱にて独立Became an independent artist in Marubashira, Iga Prefecture
2009ギャラリーやまほんにて「岸野寛 辻村唯 細川護光 展」開催 Group exhibition with Shiro Tsujimura and Morimitsu Hosokawa at gallery yamahon
ギャラリーやまほんにて「岸野寛 辻村唯 細川護光 展」開催 Group exhibition with Shiro Tsujimura and Morimitsu Hosokawa at gallery yamahon
他、展覧会多数 Held many exhibitions
2009连同辻村唯和细川护光gallery yamahon举办联合展
2012,2020 gallery yamahon举办个展
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