城 進

城進 Susumu Jo


Susumu Jo lives and makes pottery in Marubashira. He produces tableware, such as the iron painting collection, and ceramic ware with amber glaze, white slip glaze or white glaze. Among them, the most attaching one might be the iron painting collection. It is in an interesting pattern that get inspiration from African mud dyeing. He works hard and never stop improving his skills since school time and that's why his tableware is light and easy to use. You will realize that his works are sophisticated when you use it.


1971大阪生まれ Born in Osaka
1995京都精華大学美術学部造形学科陶芸専攻 BA,Kyoto Seika University
2000まで 世界50カ国を旅する Traveled around the world
2010伊賀・丸柱に築窯 以降、丸柱で作陶 Built a kiln in Marubashira, Iga Prefecture
2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 京都やまほんにて個展開催 Held solo exhibition at kyoto yamahon
截止到2000 游历过世界50国家
2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 于京都yamahon举办个展
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