寒川 義雄

寒川 義雄 Yoshio Kangawa

初めて陶芸の世界に足を踏み入れたのは 30代の頃、福岡県の民藝の里・小石原村にて土が形となり炎の力で噐になる様を見て感動を覚え器の制作を始める。鯉江良二氏の展示会で『土で自由に表現するアート作品』に深い感銘を受けて鯉江氏に師事。2001年、広島に築窯し独自の作品を制作。茶碗の高台で悩んでた時、古道具坂田の坂田和實氏より「器の佇まいの美しさは高台で決まるんだよ」「普段使いの器を作ると良いよ」とアドバイスを受け、視界が広がる。

Yoshio Kangawa, was born in Yamaguchi in 1963. The first time he stepped into the world of ceramic was in his 30s. It was in Koishikawa village (Fukuoka provence), which considered to be the birthplace of Mingei. In this village Kangawa was shocked by the ceramic that get its shape from the soil and born under the power of fire, and after that he began creating ceramic ware. He had been greatly impressed by Ryoji Koie`s Exhibition, which called The Art work created from the free representation of soil, and started to study under Ryoji. Finally in 2001, a kiln was built for creating his own works. There was a time when Kangawa was confused about the foot area of bowl. At that time, he met an antiques dealer named Sakata, from whom he received useful advices, such as “The beauty of ceramic ware decided by its foot area”, “It is good to create ceramic ware for using everyday”. From then on, every year when Kangawa finished his new works he will invite Sakata to have a look on them. Kangawa produces works of Mingei, art and daily ware, and get lot of positive help from many people. Sometimes he stops and take stock, so that he could picture the future, which is about creating work on his own style.

寒川参观了陶艺家鲤江良二的一场名为土的自由表现艺术品展,被展会上的作品深深触动了,因此他拜师鲤江。 2001年的时候,他建立了自己的窑场开始进行独立创作。在苦恼于茶碗的圈足的制作的时候,他遇到了古董商人坂田先生。坂田先生给他提议,“瓷器的造型美取决于圈足” ,“最好是制作日常使用的瓷器哟”。自此,寒川打开了创作的新篇章。并且从那以后,坂田先生每年都会像最初那般来观赏新作品以及提出看法。

1963山口県生まれ  Born in Yamaguchi
1999福岡県小石原で陶芸を学ぶ  Studied pottery in Koishikawara, Fukuoka
2004鯉江良二氏に師事  Studied under the ceramic artist Ryoji Koie
2005広島に築窯  Built his kiln in Hiroshima

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