浅井 庸佑

浅井庸佑 Yosuke Asai


Influenced by his father who is an old pottery lover, Yosuke Asai grew up in an environment surrounded by ceramics from an early age. After graduating from university, he dreamed of getting a job making things with his hands and started to study under the ceramic artist Rokuzo Shibagaki in Aichi Prefecture. Shibagaki said, “I can only teach you how to make clay” and therefore, Asai was taught to make clay during his whole apprenticeship. During the period, he had been taking a walk in the mountains for collecting raw soil that can be used for ceramics every day. Then he crushed and sedimented the raw soil, and later he blended different types of soil together to fire them as pottery. By repeating this routine, he spent his days testing the texture of clay. Making clay is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process, but until now, ten years after his kiln was built, Asai keeps on collecting the raw materials for clay and glaze by himself. It takes him more than half of the working time to make clay. That why Asai ‘ceramic ware could always let you sense the passage of time.

在喜爱陶瓷古董的父亲的影响下,浅井庸佑从小就生活在一个布置满陶瓷品的环境中。大学毕业以后,他选择走上以自己的双手进行创作活动的道路。拜师爱知县的陶艺家柴垣六藏,开始了陶艺的修行。正因师傅的一句“除了练泥以外我没有东西可以教你”, 他整个学徒生涯都在练习如何制作黏土。他每天走进山里采取做陶瓷用的瓷石,然后把它们敲碎,经过淘洗除去杂质,调和不同的泥块,然后进行烧制。就这样他每天用大量的时间泥土打交道。即使练泥是一项极其耗费时间和精力的工作,浅井在开始独立创作已经过去了十年后的今日,仍然坚持自己亲自去采取练泥和釉药的原材料。因此每天花上一半以上的时间在制作黏土。正是如此,他制作出的每一件作品都能让人感受到岁月的沉淀,时间的厚重。

1981京都市に生まれる Born in Kyoto
2003京都府立大学卒業 Graduated from The Kyoto Prefectural University
柴垣六蔵氏に師事 Studied under Rokuzo Shibagaki
2006 独立 Set up his atelier
2009 大津市仰木に築窯 Built a kiln in Oki town, Otsu City
2021gallery yamahonにて個展開催 Hold solo exhibition at gallery yamahon

2006 设立工作室开始独立创作
2009 在大津市仰木建立了窑场
2021gallery yamahon举办个展
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