石川 裕信

石川 裕信 Hironobu Ishikawa

愛知県瀬戸窯業訓練校を卒業後、岐阜県土岐市の宗和陶器芳州窯で経験を積み、2008年に独立。現在も土岐市の山間に工房を構え、制作活動を続けています。 作品は、シンプルながら深みのあるデザインと静かな佇まいが特徴です。土の質感を活かした柔らかなフォルムと釉薬の調和が際立ち、使うほどに愛着が増します。その美しさと実用性をぜひお楽しみください。

After graduating from the Aichi Prefecture Seto Ceramic Training School, he gained experience at Sohwa Toki Hoshuyama Kiln in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, and became independent in 2008. He currently has a studio nestled in the mountains of Toki City, where he continues his creative activities.
His works are characterized by simple yet profound designs and a quiet presence. The soft forms that highlight the texture of the clay and the harmony of the glazes stand out, and the more you use them, the more affection you develop for them. Please enjoy their beauty and practicality.



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